Sorting hashes in perl

To loop over a sorted hash by it's keys in perl you would normally do the following:

my %hash = ("foo" => 1, "bar" => 2);
foreach my $key (sort keys(%hash)){
  print "$key = $hash{$key}\\n";

To loop over a hash sorted by it's values you can do this:

my %hash = ("foo" => 1, "bar" => 2);
foreach my $key (sort {$hash{$a} <=> $hash{$b}} keys(%hash)){
  print "$key = $hash{$key}\\n";

To sort in descending order use:

{$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}}

To sort using a string comparison use:

{$hash{$a} cmp $hash{$b}}

Last updated: 25/06/2005